The Risk Assessment Information System

Step 2: Exposure Assessment

Objective: To estimate the type and magnitude of exposures from the chemicals of potential concern that are present at or migrating from a site/facility.

  • Characterization of the Exposure Setting

    • Characterize the physical environment
    • Identify potential landuse scenarios
  • Identification of Exposure Pathways

    Components of a Complete Exposure Pathway are:

    1. Source (spill or leak)
    2. Release Mechanism (leaching or runoff)
    3. Environmental Medium/Transport Mechanism (air, water, or soil transporting the contamination)
    4. Exposure Point (location where receptor contacts media)
    5. Exposure Route(s) (how contaminant enters the body)
      • Ingestion
      • Dermal
      • Inhalation
    6. Receptor (individual or population exposed)
      • Residential
      • Industrial
      • Agricultural
      • Recreational
    exposure pathways
  • Quantification of Exposure

    • Calculate chronic daily intake based on exposure pathways and dose per medium for contaminants of potential concern.

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