The Risk Assessment Information System

Air Transport Calculators for PEF

Using the Chemical Transport PEF Tool

PEF - Particulate Emission Factor Wind Driven
PEFsc - Particulate Emission Factor Mechanically Driven - Unpaved Road Traffic
PEF'sc Particulate Emission Factor - Other Construction Activities
PEFoff - Mechanical Particulate Emission Factor for Off-site Receptors (Standard Vehicle Traffic)
PEF'off Mechanical Particulate Emission Factor for Off-site Receptors (Other Construction Activities)
Transport Concentrations

Nonradionuclide Equation

Radionuclide Equation

Enter Beginning Soil Concentration

Resulting Air Concentration - PEF Wind Driven

Resulting Air Concentration - Mechanical PEFoff for Off-site Receptors (Standard Vehicle Traffic)

Resulting Air Concentration - PEFsc Mechanically Driven - Unpaved Road Traffic

Resulting Air Concentration - PEF`sc - Other Construction Activities

Resulting Air Concentration - Mechanical PEF`off for Off-site Receptors (Other Construction Activity)

Particulate Emission Factor Wind Driven

PEF Equation

  City (Climatic Zone) - Selection based on most likely climatic conditions for the site

  1. The Q/Cwind equation and the dispersion constants A, B and C were taken from Exhibit D-2 of the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
  2. A, B, C = PEF region-specific dispersion constants (unitless)
  3. F(x) values for each city are taken from the Soil Screening Guidance Technical Background Document Appendix D Table 2.
Time Spent on Site

  1. tc = ED * EW * 7 days/week * 24 hours/day
  2. Tt = ED * EF * ET * 3600 s/hour
  3. FD = 0.1852 + (5.3537/tc) + (-9.6318/tc2)

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Subchronic Particulate Emission Factor Mechanically Driven - Unpaved Road Traffic

PEFsc Equation

  1. Contact your regional risk assessor for assistance.
  2. When calculating ΣVKT, distance (road length) is calculated by assuming the contaminated area of surface soil (As) is a square and that the road divides the square evenly. For example, if As is 0.5 acres (Asurf = 2,024 m2), the road length would be the square root of 2,024, or .045 km.
  3. The Q/Csr equation and dispersion constants A, B and C were taken from Equation E-19 of the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
  4. The PEF equation is Equation E-18 in the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
Subchronic Particulate Emission Factor - Other Construction Activities

PEF`sc Equation

  1. Contact your regional risk assessor for assistance.
  2. The Q/Csa equation and the dispersion constants A, B and C were taken from Equation E-15 of the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
  3. The PEF equation is from Equation E-26 in the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
Mechanical Particulate Emission Factor for Off-site Receptors (Standard Vehicle Traffic)


  City (Climatic Zone) - Selection based on most likely climatic conditions for the site

  1. The Q/Coff equation and the dispersion constants A, B and C were taken from Exhibit E-5 of the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
  2. The PEF equation is from Equation E-29 in the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
Mechanical Particulate Emission Factor for Off-site Receptors (Other Construction Activities)


  1. The Q/Coff equation is from Equation E-29 and the dispersion constants A, B and C were taken from Exhibit E-5 of the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.
  2. The PEF equation is from Equation E-25 in the Supplemental Soil Screening Guidance.

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