The Risk Assessment Information System

Risk Assessment Documents

Y-12 RA Graphic Results

Y-12 Baseline Risk Assessment Results

Y-12 Screening Risk Assessment Results

Bullet Graphic Risk Results

Arrow Bear Creek Valley Maps

Residential Landuse
Groundwater - Total Hazard (range: 1 - 900)
Groundwater - Total Hazard (range: 0.1 - 1)
Groundwater - Total Risk (range: 10-4 - 1)
Groundwater - Total Risk (range: 10-5 - 10-4)
Groundwater - Total Risk (range: 10-6 - 10-5)
Groundwater - Dichloroethane, 1,1- Hazard
Groundwater - Dichloroethene, 1,1- Hazard
Groundwater - Dichloroethene, 1,1- Risk
Groundwater - Dichloroethane, 1,2- Risk
Groundwater - Dichloroethene, 1,2- Hazard
Groundwater - Nitrate Hazard
Groundwater - Radium Risk
Groundwater - Technetium-99 Risk
Groundwater - Tetrachloroethene Hazard
Groundwater - Tetrachloroethene Risk
Groundwater - Total Uranium Hazard
Groundwater - Trichloroethene Risk
Groundwater - Uranium-234 Risk
Groundwater - Uranium-238 Risk

RA Documents - Y-12

Bullet Baseline Risk Assessments

BulletRemedial Investigation Report on the Abandoned Nitric Acid Pipeline at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Baseline Risk Assessment Included) (UEFPC OU 2) [DOE/OR/01-1214&D2] [Y/ER-149&D2]
BulletRemedial Investigation Report on the Bear Creek Valley at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee [DOE/OR/01-1455/V1&D1] [DOE/OR/01-1455/V5&D1]
BulletRemedial Investigation Report on Chestnut Ridge Operable Unit 2 (Filled Coal Ash Pond/Upper McCoy Branch) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Baseline Risk Assessment Included) [DOE/OR/01-1268&D2] [Y/ER-172&D2]
BulletRemedial Investigation Report on Bear Creek Valley Operable Unit 2 (Rust Spoil Area, Spoil Area 1, and SY-200 Yard) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Baseline Risk Assessment Included) [DOE/OR/01-1273& D2] [Y/ER-182&D2]
BulletBaseline Risk Assessment of the Plating Shop Container Areas [S-334 and S-351 (Building 9401-2; Polytank Station & East Yard)] [DOE/OR 1029 & D3]
BulletBaseline Risk Assessment for Building 9201-4 [Y/ER-162]
BulletBaseline Risk Assessment for Beta-4 Tanks (S-217 & S-218) [ES/ER-35 & D1]

Bullet Screening Risk Assessments

BulletScreening Risk Assessment of Bear Creek Valley OU 1 (Burial grounds) [Y/ER-10]
BulletScreening risk assessment of Bear Creek Valley OU 1 (Oil Land farm ) groundwater and surface water data [Y/ER-17]
BulletScreening risk assessment of Bear Creek Valley OU 1 (S-3 Ponds) groundwater and surface water [Y/SUB/89-00206C/2] [Y/TS-529]
BulletScreening Risk Evaluation of Ezra Gate Contaminated Material and UNC Waste [Y/ER/Sub/90-99927/2] [Y/ER/Sub-90/VK168/3& D1]
BulletUnion Valley Interim Study Remedial Site Evaluation (Human Health Risk Evaluation [Screening] of Union Valley Groundwater and Spring/Surface Water) [Y/ER-206/R1]

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