Residential Landuse |
Bedrock Wells - Total Hazard (range: 1-30) Bedrock Wells - Total Hazard (range: 0.1 - 1) Bedrock Wells - Total Risk Bedrock Wells - Arsenic Risk Bedrock Wells - Dichloroethene, 1,1- Risk Bedrock Wells - Trichloroethene Risk |
Unconsolidated Wells - Total Hazard (range: 1-150) Unconsolidated Wells - Total Hazard (range: 0.1 - 1) Unconsolidated Wells - Total Risk (range:10-4 - 1) Unconsolidated Wells - Total Risk (range:10-6 - 10-4) Unconsolidated Wells - Arsenic Risk Unconsolidated Wells - Trichloroethene Risk |
Phase 2 RI/Baseline Risk Assessment Report for K-1070C/D Classified Burial Ground at the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee [DOE/02/01-1297& D0 &V3]
Baseline RA for 1407B and K-1407C
RI/FS for K-1407-B/C Ponds [DOE/OR-1012& D3]
Preliminary Risk Assessment for K-1070-A
Preliminary Risk Assessment for K-1070 C/D
1070 SW 31 Spring Screening Risk Assessment
K-1070SW31 Technical Memorandum , Part II. Screening Level Risk Assessment [92-225-161-49]
K-33 Cooling Towers screening risk assessments (2)
K-770 sites screening risk assessment (9 areas) [ RI Workplan DOE/OR01-1157/V1 & D0]
Data Evaluation Technical Memorandum on K-1070-A Contaminated Burial Ground [K/ER-42]
Remedial Investigation Work Plan for K-901 Operable Unit [DOE/OR-1052/V1&D2]